2012年9月5日 星期三

All Inflatable Play Structures Are Not Created Equal! What to Buy?

China Replica Jerseys, I\'m sure you\'ve heard the saying \"You get what you pay for.\" Well, that statement could not be truer when it comes to buying your Inflatables! In the long run, buying strictly on price alone can turn out to be the most expensive mistake you can ever make! Before you spend your hard-earned money on an inferior imported Inflatable, ask yourself how long you want your new Inflatables to last!

Once upon a time, all Inflatable Play Structures were made either in the United States or the United Kingdom where they were first invented over 40 years ago. But as with most things in life, things change. In the last five years, most U.S. \"manufacturers\" have thrown in the towel and are no longer making their own Inflatables. They\'re now importing China made Inflatables and passing them off as \"Made in the U.S.A.\" In addition, a new breed of internet phonies are posing as \"manufacturers\" and selling \"China made Inflatables\" or acting as a distributor for some other inflatable company importing from China.

The fact of the matter is there are only a few manufacturers left that still build their entire product line of Inflatables right here in the good old U.S.A. It\'s more expensive, but far superior in durability. And yes, in spite of what you have been told, there is a big difference in Safety, Quality, Craftsmanship.

Paying a little more for your Inflatables can save you a lot of money in the long run, not to mention a whole lot of aggravation and lost customers! Buying the cheapest Inflatables can many times turn out to be a very expensive mistake. You should ask yourself how much in lost rental revenue you will incur if that bargain Inflatable falls apart in a few months, right in the middle of your busy season. A lot more than you might think. And good luck trying to get it fixed in less than a month or two. (Especially if it has to be shipped back to China for repairs.)

During that time, you would have lost 10-15 rentals multiplied by your average rental rate which could cost you as much as Two Thousand Dollars China Replica Jerseys or more each time your China Inflatable is out for repair. The few hundred dollars you thought you were saving when you bought your China Inflatable has now turned your \"Great Deal\" into the most expensive Inflatable you\'ve ever purchased!

Most of the Inflatable Manufacturers take the easy way out by giving away American jobs and going the cheap route by making our products overseas. And while it would be much more profitable to do so, You would pay the price in the form of inferior China Replica Jerseys quality of raw materials and substandard workmanship. You cannot control Safety, Quality, and Production Times if your products are being made a world away.

Most of the US Inflatable Manufacturers start cutting corners by buying cheap vinyl, inexpensive thread and single stitching. They cut corners on many exclusive safety features to save even more money. They do not China Replica Jerseys have product liability insurance and so you are left to battle it out yourself in case of an accident for defective products.

Before you make the decision on who you\'re going to buy from, you should ask all the right questions, then consider all the facts, features, and benefits of doing business with each company you\'re comparing and resist the temptation to buy on price alone. Like a trusted advisor once told me, \"A smart investment is one you still feel good about many years down the road.\"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5047443